The Scottish Minister for Local Government, Housing and Planning and the Chief Planner have issued a joint letter setting out their approach to the anticipated relaxation of Coronavirus regulations. In the letter, they highlight that under the Scottish Coronavirus Acts the emergency period has been extended to 30 September 2021, and as a consequence planning permissions due to expire before 30 September will be extended to 31 March 2022.
Additionally, they have called on Scottish planning authorities to continue a relaxation of planning control in appropriate cases as part of a proportionate response to the consequences of the emergency. One issue they highlight is the temporary use of car parks or other appropriate locations for overnight stays in campervans and motorhomes if that is safe and reasonable, to address anticipated pressures arising from staycations. A previous Chief Planner’s letter also suggested as possible relaxations the provision of outdoor seating and takeaway facilities at hospitality venues, food retail opening/delivery hours, restrictions on the length of holiday park seasons and construction site operations. The relaxations will always be on a case by case basis by planning authorities. It is intended they will be phased out once the emergency period has ended, but that there will be a transitional period in order to support recovery.
The letter is available here.
If you would like any further information on the Coronavirus planning relaxations, please do not hesitate to get in touch.