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Harnessing the power of Co-Location: Renewable Energy Developments

Rae Gilchrist and Ross Baron provide an overview on co-location and its benefits.

Gillespie Macandrew donates record £51,000 to its charity partners

Gillespie Macandrew announces substantial donation to Alzheimer Scotland and the Edinburgh Children’s Hospital Charity.

Key Takeaways from the 2025/26 Scottish Budget

David Mowlem outlines what you need to know from the 2025/26 Scottish Budget announcement.

Consultation on draft National Planning Framework 4 ending

Published: 25 March 2022
Time to read: 1 min

The Scottish Government’s consultation on the draft National Planning Framework 4 (NPF4) ends on 31 March 2022.

NPF4 once approved by the Scottish Parliament will become part of the development plan.  Planning decisions in Scotland should be made in accordance with the development plan unless there are material considerations otherwise.  Once approved NPF4 will also result in the abolition of the existing four strategic development plans.   NPF4 is therefore one of the most important policies in the planning system, and comments on the draft by members of the public and others with an interest in the planning system may be significant in shaping planning policy for years to come. The consultation papers can be found at

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Lawyers in Edinburgh
Solicitors in Edinburgh
Family Solicitors/Lawyers in Edinburgh

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